About DDIC
DDIC is the website of the research project PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0699, funded by UEFISCDI.

What is the purpose of DDIC?
Jewish-Christian Dialogue in the Twentieth Century between Religious Tolerance and Anti-Semitism: Documents, Interpretations and Perspectives in the Christian Orthodox Context
Anti-Semitism has proven itself along the centuries a sensitive indicator for political movements that endanger human rights, tolerance and freedom, which are specific to western tradition. The multitude of factors that have supported and fuelled anti-Semitic tendencies have often been Christian religious texts. Whereas in Western Europe, the Christian attitude towards Judaism has changed after the Second World War, through official declarations of the Catholic Church or Protestantism, in the Christian Orthodox context the situation of anti-Judaism has not been officially discussed yet. The accusation of deicide, the claim that the Church is the new and true Israel as well as other accusations against the Jews, typical for the patristic and medieval period are preserved and used until the present day in the service of the Orthodox Church.
Project Results
DDIC Documents
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